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How To Decrypt Dvb-t Channels

카테고리 없음

by ylenverba1985 2020. 2. 26. 10:34


WhenI left my country few months back, one thing I missed was my favoritenative channels (out of many other things). TV service providers heredoes provide couple of my local channels but I found it is not worthenough to pay for, as many of my favorite channels were missing from thelist. When I researched to see if there is any other possibility, itopened a world of digital piracy in front of me! - The Internet KeySharing or Card sharing (Cardsharing), a challenge for CAS – ConditionalAccess System. As in name, IKS or Cardsharing is the process of sharing a validsmart card subscription with many satellite receivers to watch paychannels freely or with a very low fee. IKS or Crad sharing methodenables to watch scrambled or encrypted pay channels by many viewers(receivers) with the use of only one valid digital smart card.

How To Decrypt Dvb-t Channels On Tv

How To Decrypt Dvb-t Channels

How To Decrypt Dvb-t Channels Without

As just 1valid smart card can be shared among 1000s, the total cost would beshared with in the group, hence every one needs to pay only few bugs! Agood idea, isn’t it?

The Card Sharing is achieved by using satellite TV receivers (usually FTA – Free to Air receivers which is loaded with Linux firmware – Example: DreamBox etc.) whose software (firmware) is re-flashed / restored with custom made / third party software to enable key sharing. In this method, one digital satellite receiver, with a valid or legit smart card, servers as a host (server) andshares the smart card “key” over the internet to decrypt / de-scramble the encrypted channels at client side.The firmware (software) of the ‘server receiver’ is patched to send the 64 bit decryption key (called “control word”) every few seconds to its clients (the other satellite receivers) connected to the host network through internet.

A computer with specific software is used along with the satellite receiver to create a Card Server or Internet Key Sharing server.At the client side (all other receivers they receive the “control word” or key from server), the firmware of the satellite receiver is restored with custom software (called firmware flashing) to receive the key from the server and decrypt the channels as if they are using a valid pay channel subscription card! This custom firmware has a module (called ‘Emulator’) which controls this ‘key’ sharing.The client satellite receivers are configured the same way how the normal FTA channel receiving system setup –that is, a Dish antenna, and a satellite receiver which is connected to the antenna.

The only difference, apart from the connection to Dish antenna is, the receiver is also connected to an internet router through a LAN cable. It works like:1.


The receiver receives encrypted channel signals from antenna2. Receiver receives the decryption key from the IKS server (cardsharing server) via the internet router3.

How To Decrypt Dvb-t Channels Free

How to decrypt dvb-t channels free

Receiver (custom firmware) decrypts the channel using the key received from the IKS server and plays the channel on TV.The internet usage would be very minimal as the internet is used just to share the decryption key, sizes under few kilobytes.The internet is not used to send the channel signals or stream the channel content. There are 100s (might be thousands) of forums and websites in the name of “FTA – Free to Air forums”, “Free to Air keys” or “Free to air files” all over the internet who does the same thing – the IKS with a very minimal fee, mostly would be less than $20 for a bunch of 200+ pay channels!! What a deal ah.?The fire spread of IKS (Internet Key Sharing)After it is introduced, the IKS or Card Sharing sparked all over by the creation of sharing network group, where in users can share their valid card with the network and in turn receives many other paid channels, shared by others, which is not available with his subscription. The same way many network groups has been created and then connected each other and formed big key sharingservers. The maintenance cost and profit for such servers is collected from the members/clients of the networks and would be very minimal compared to the actual cost of subscribing all channels currently the client receives.Other methodsOther methods of receiving or illegally decrypting pay channels are; hacking smart cards (smart card piracy) and programming encryption emulator to a FTA receiver.